
Sports Medicine Policies and Resources

Sports Medicine Policies and Resources

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COVID-19 has created an unprecedented effect in the lives of all youth athletes in Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia. The following resources have been assembled as a clearinghouse for health professionals, coaches, parents, players, and administrators to aid in return to safe sport play and decrease the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission in youth sporting events. Included in these resources are sport-specific recommendations from national youth sports organizations as well as links to return to play directives from federal, state, and local governments. County webpages have been included, showing future reopenings and closures of local parks & sports facilities. Included in these resources are recommendations for safe living practices, emergency action planning directives, as well as recommendations for sport-specific practices that support social distancing and potentially mitigate chances of COVID-19 transmission. We offer these resources as a supplement to the direction of local health officials and community leaders.

Please call with any inquires to 1-888-44-SPORT

MedStar Health

Federal Guidance

State Guidance

Recommendations for Sport Play

Resources for Medical Professionals

American Academy of Pediatrics
American Psychological Association

Risk Resources

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